This document set out the terms and conditions applicable for membership registration through Bukit Larut Online service (bukitlarut.com) which is governed by Malaysian law. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without prior and separate notice. You will be deemed to have accepted all terms and conditions if you continue to use the service. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, your sole recourse shall be to cease using the service.
With the successful of Member Registration at BukitLarut.com, you confirm that you have full understanding and acceptance of all the Terms and Conditions stated.
With the Acceptance of this Terms & Conditions, or the act of using the BukitLarut.com Service constitutes your consent to the use, application and disclosure of your personal information by the BukitLarut.com and Majlis Perbandaran Taiping for related matters.
If you have any concern, please DO NOT proceed with the Member Registration, kindly contact Bukit Larut Customer Service for assistance:-
i. Email : ppbl@mptaiping.gov.my
ii. Telephone : 605-807 7241 (Monday – Friday, Operation hour 0800 – 1700)
1.0 Member Declaration
1.1 With the successful of Member Registration at BukitLarut.com, you confirm that you have full understanding and acceptance of all the terms and conditions stated. Your successful registration for and use of the Service constitutes your consent to be bound by this Terms & Conditions.
1.2 With the successful of Member Registration at BukitLarut.com, you agree that BukitLarut.com reserves the right to amend this Terms & Conditions at any time, in the BukitLarut.com’s sole discretion, by posting any such amendment(s) to the BukitLarut.com website without prior and separate notice.
1.3 With the continued use of the Service after amendment to the Terms & Conditions is posted will be deemed as full knowledge and acceptance of the revised Terms & Conditions. If you do not agree to any such amendment(s), your sole recourse shall be to cease using the Service.
2.0 BukitLarut.com Registration of Member Account
2.1 With the successful of Member Registration at BukitLarut.com and continue use of the Service, you agree that:
a. For BukitLarut.com Member Registration, you shall provide all the required information and ensure the information submitted is accurate, current and complete. If the information provided is suspected to be inaccurate, not current or incomplete, the BukitLarut.com reserves the right to suspend or terminate, in part or in full, the Service for you. Any direct or indirect expense incurred for reasons aforementioned shall be borne by you instead of the BukitLarut.com.
b. In the event of the Service not available or mistakes involved as a result inaccurate personal information provided by you, the BukitLarut.com will not be liable for any responsibility and you shall bear the full consequence.
c. The member account is designated solely for your own use and cannot be transferred, given as a gift or inherited and you shall be responsible for the account usage. In the event that you lose all or part of the capacity for civil rights or civil conduct, the BukitLarut.com reserves the right to take charge of your member account pursuant to valid legal documents (including without limitation to effective court verdict, will, etc. )
2.2 For the Member Account Security, you will take full responsibility for your actions concerning the BukitLarut.com Member Account and its Password, you agree that:
a. At anytime, you will not reveal the Member Account ID and Password to others, nor will you use any other person's Member Account ID and Password.
b. If you find that your Member Account ID and/or Password is stolen or misappropriated, you shall notify the BukitLarut.com immediately and effectively, and request for suspension of the Service. You understand that the BukitLarut.com will require reasonable time to process the suspension request. And BukitLarut.com will not be liable for any executed instruction and (or) loss incurred due to the exposed Member Account.
3.0 Restrictions on the Use of BukitLarut.com Member Account
3.1 You shall use the BukitLarut.com and the Service in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of Malaysia, applicable regulations of the country or region you are in, and other applicable international convention. You will NOT apply the Service to any illegal purposes (including the trading of prohibited or restricted items), or use the Service illegally.
3.2 You shall not engage in conducts infringing others’s legal interests while you use the BukitLaru.com. Otherwise, you shall assume the legal responsibility entailed, and be liable for compensation if the rights and interests of the BukitLarut.com or the employees with the BukitLarut.com are impaired as a result. The aforementioned conducts include but are not limited to:
a. Infringing others’ right of reputation, privacy, trade secret, trademark, copyright, patent, and other legal rights;
b. Breaching confidentiality obligations imposed by law or agreement;
c. Using the Service with false personal data;
d. Distributing computer viruses or engaging in other acts threatening the Service system and data;
e. Other conduct deemed, based on sound reasons, improper by the BukitLarut.com.
3.3 You understand and agree that the BukitLarut.com may suspend or terminate the Service in any of the following circumstances and is not liable to compensate for any loss, damage or expense accrued, including without limitation to the loss of profit, reputation, service, data or other intangible damage (regardless of whether the BukitLarut.com receives prior notice of the possibility of damage):
a. On grounds including without limitation to violation of the provisions and spirit of this Terms & Conditions, the BukitLarut.com reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend, stop, or terminate the Service, in full or in part, for you and remove your data subsequently.
b. Should there be any abnormality or suspected illegal conducts involved in the transaction with your Member Account, the BukitLarut.com reserves the right to suspend or terminate your Member Account and reject you the Service in full or in part.
c. The BukitLarut.com reserves the right to terminate the Service without prior notice when deemed necessary. It may suspend, deny access to or delete the account and all related information and files, freezing or canceling the points accrued in the BukitLarut.com Member Account.
4.0 About Privacy Protection
4.1 With the Acceptance of this Terms & Conditions, or the act of using the BukitLarut.com Service constitutes your consent to the use, application and disclosure of your personal information by the BukitLarut.com according to the following provisions and the Privacy Policy:
a. Password
You are required to set a password upon registration as identification of BukitLarut.com Member ID. The password is the sole means by which you get access to your account. If you disclose your password to others, your personal identification information may subject to theft, thus leading to legal consequences to your disadvantage. Should you sense any potential or realistic threat, arising from whatever reason, to the application of your username and password, you shall contact the BukitLarut.com immediately, and shall not hold BukitLarut.com liable for any loss or damage incurred.
5.0 System Breakdown or Failure
5.1 BukitLarut.com shall not be liable for any loss or damage in the event of system breakdown or Service performance issue as a result of the following causes:
a. Servers are down for maintenance or unforeseen circumstances;
b. Data communication breakdown as a result of telecommunication equipment or infrastructure failure;
c. BukitLarut.com system fails due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, flooding, electrical power failure, war, acts of terrorism, and other force majeure incidents.
d. Service is interrupted or delayed for reasons such as hacker attacks, technical adjustment or system breakdown on the part of telecommunication providers, website upgrades, technical difficulties with banking systems, etc.
6.0 Limitation of Liabilities
6.1 BukitLarut.com is responsible only for obligations expressly stated in this Terms & Conditions.
6.2 BukitLarut.com Member Account user data is offered by the user on voluntary basis. BukitLarut.com does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness of any information provided in connection with the Service. User shall take full responsibility for own judgment.
6.3 User must evaluate and bear all risks associated with the use of any content downloaded or acquired through the Service. User shall take full responsibility for any damage or loss of data on your computer system caused by your decision to download the information.
6.4 No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by user from BukitLarut.com or its staff, or through the service shall create any warranty on the Service not expressly stated by BukitLarut.com.
6.5 To the extent permitted by law, BukitLarut.com shall in no event be liable for any indirect, punitive, special or incidental damages associated with or arising from this Terms & Conditions, whether in breach of this Terms & Conditions, tort or of whatever causes, even if BukitLarut.com has been advised of the possibility of such damages. BukitLarut.com disclaims any responsibility for the aforementioned damages notwithstanding any claim that a sole or exclusive remedy provided in this Terms & Conditions may or does fail of its essential purpose.
7.0 Trademark and Intellectual Property Rights Protection
7.1 All intellectual property rights (including without limitation to trademark, patent, copyright, trade secret, etc.) of the BukitLarut.com website and its content (including without limitation to the texts, photos, documents, information, reference, website framework, website graphics and webpage design) are owned by BukitLarut.com or its affiliated companies as permitted by law.
7.2 None of the programming information or content of the BukitLarut.com website may be used, revised, copied, transmitted, altered, disseminated, distributed or publicized without prior written consent from BukitLarut.com or its affiliated companies.
7.3 User are obliged to respect intellectual property rights, the breach of which may render user liable for damages incurred.
8.0 Jurisdiction
8.1 The law of Malaysia governs this Terms & Conditions, the effectiveness, interpretation, modification, application and dispute resolution of which shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant provisions thereby, or pursuant to applicable international business convention and (or) prevailing industry practices in cases where the law of Malaysia fails to provide.
8.2 Any disputes arising from this Terms & Conditions shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant law of Malaysia.